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Top SEO Tips For Schools, Daycares And Colleges In 2024 – 8 Marketing Experts Chime In

Suffice it to say, the education sector is an exceedingly competitive space. The sheer number of schools, colleges, and daycares across Canada is mindboggling. Moreover, over 90% of users never venture past page 1 of an online search. That said, it’s crucial for institutions like schools, daycares, and colleges to utilize search engine optimization (SEO) to increase search rankings, and…

16 Tips for a Kickass Brochure Design

When you think of putting together a brochure for your company or project, you probably think of something that folds in thirds, has a generic stock photo on the front of someone smiling and features a few nice headings with some text on a white background. While most brochure designs you pick up at your doctor’s office follow this template,…

10 Tips for Marketing Your Nightclub Event with Flyers

The idea of marketing a nightclub event with flyers is something that will never get old. That’s true no matter how many social media platforms are out there selling you data on the young millennial demographic that sits on Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp making plans to go out next Friday and Saturday night. Why? Because handing out flyers pushing the…

The Top SEO Tips In 2024 For Lawyers And Law Offices – 8 Experts Weigh In

The average users, 91% to be precise, don’t venture past page one of a Google search. That being said, considering the sheer volume of lawyers and law offices in any Canadian city, it is essential to increase search rankings. The best way for law firms to achieve this is by implementing effective search engine optimization (SEO). SEO provides an effectual…

Flyer Marketing: 25 Places to Distribute Your Flyer for Maximum Exposure

Finding places to distribute flyers for maximum exposure is one of the most important aspects of door-to-door/local marketing. It’s actually one of the more cost-effective ways to market a business. That’s why even in this digital, social media, SEO dominated world that we live in today, local businesses still hand out flyers. As personable and old school as hand-delivering flyers…

Top SEO Tips For Hotels And Motels In 2024 – 8 Experts Chime In

In Canada’s largest city, Toronto, there are hundreds of hotels and motels for visitors to select from – and that is just one metropolitan area. The hospitality industry is one of the most competitive niches, given that hotels aren’t just competing amongst themselves, but also booking sites and travel aggregators. That said, it’s never been more crucial for hotels and…

7 SEO Tips for Insurance Firms

Having access to the best SEO tips for insurance firms at your disposal is absolutely crucial. Think about it for a second. Every major insurance company that ranks in Google for its own name brand likely has the budget to launch national marketing and advertising campaigns any time they want. They have deep pockets. After all, it’s illegal to drive…

9 SEO Tips for Bars

Whether you’re a digital marketer looking to leverage the expertise and scalability of a digital marketing agency or a bar owner looking to drive more foot traffic, being aware of the latest SEO tips for bars is crucial (we’re assuming it’s crucial to you if you’re reading this article). So here, we’ll countdown the top tips. Most of the tips…


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