5 Tips For Veterinarians and Pet Care Professionals To Thrive In A Post Coronavirus Landscape

The COVID-19 global pandemic will undeniably be regarded as the definitive moment of our modern age. During these most challenging and unprecedented times, countries around the world are grappling with the public health, social, and economic repercussions of the outbreak. Drastic measures to curtail the spread of COVID-19 have been implemented the world over, including here in Ontario with the declared state of emergency and mandated closure of “non-essential workplaces”. Yet, this too shall pass and we will eventually return to a semblance of normalcy. To truly flourish, vets and pet care businesses must think about things like veterinarian website design and marketing. In this article, we will discuss 5 tips for veterinarians and pet care professionals to thrive in a post Coronavirus landscape.

Have An Exceptional Website That Attracts New Clients And Increases Growth

A 2019 survey revealed that an astounding 63% of Canadians admitted they will not buy from a company that has a poorly designed website. This astonishing statistic ought to give vets and pet care professionals pause, considering that in order to succeed they must exude a high degree of both professionalism and trustworthiness. Seeing as the health and well-being of a beloved pet is at stake, potential clients will be far less inclined to choose a veterinarian or pet care professional who has a website that does not convey complete professionalism and credibility.

In a post Coronavirus landscape, to truly thrive veterinarians and pet care professionals must have excellent website design which will attract new clients and elevate you above competitors.

SEO Strategies Will Be Key For Veterinarian And Pet Care Businesses

Inevitably, the COVID-19 crisis will come to an end, and we will gradually return to normal. In a post Coronavirus landscape, veterinarian and pet care businesses should consider using effective professional SEO services. Small businesses that choose to employ the proven power of effective SEO will thrive. Not only will effective SEO strategies drive organic traffic to your business’ website, but they will also likewise maximize your ROI.

Once the pandemic dissipates, vets and pet care professionals must understand that effective SEO will be key to the success of small businesses. Proven SEO tactics such as keyword research, optimizing your business website for SEO, in addition to using and optimizing Google My Business are all essential elements for success in a post Coronavirus landscape.

Social Media Marketing Will Be Crucial For Veterinarians And Pet Care Professionals To Thrive

At the present moment, it may seem difficult to envision a future that contains a semblance of normalcy. However, the COVID-19 crisis will come to an end. Once the pandemic blessedly subsides, in order to truly thrive vets and pet care professionals must use effective social media management and marketing. In a post Coronavirus landscape, veterinarian and pet care businesses should focus on things like positive online reviews, for instance. Given the importance of the health and well-being of a beloved pet, potential clients will be far more likely to choose a vet or pet care professional with positive online reviews.

Veterinarians and pet care professionals must understand how crucial building your business’ brand is for future success. Effective social media management and marketing will increase your social media presence, build brand awareness online, engage your target audience, and attract new clients, enabling your business to thrive in a post Coronavirus landscape.

Consider Strategic Consultation For Your Veterinarian And Pet Care Business

A creative and effective marketing strategy like strategic consultation will be vital for veterinarians and pet care professionals to flourish once the present crisis subsides. By employing strategic consultation services for your business, you will better understand what makes your company tick and have the ability to plan for scenarios (such as the current COVID-19 crisis, for instance) in the future.

Through an in-depth analysis of your veterinarian or pet care business, you will fully understand what areas are working, and what areas require more focus to truly grow and flourish. Strategic consultation services should be essential components to the online marketing strategy of any business, including vets and health care professionals.

How The COVID-19 Economic Response Plan Pertains To Veterinarians And Pet Care Professionals

The COVID-19 global pandemic is a wholly fluid situation, which shifts daily from region to region. In Ontario, the provincial government recently declared a state of emergency and mandated the closure of all non-essential workplaces. However, the College of Veterinarians of Ontario (the provincial regulatory body for veterinary medicine) has highlighted that veterinarian services have been deemed an essential workplace:

“Businesses that provide veterinary services are permitted to continue to deliver essential services, as indicated in the list of essential workplaces provided by the Province of Ontario on March 23, 2020.

The items on the list which pertain to veterinary medicine are:

  • Businesses that provide veterinary services, and that supply veterinary and animal control medications and related supplies and testing kits;
  • Businesses that provide essential items for the health and welfare of animals, including feed, animal food, pet food and animal supplies including bedding;
  • Businesses that provide for the health and welfare of animals, including veterinarians, farms, boarding kennels, stables, animal shelters, zoos, aquariums, research facilities and other service providers;

Veterinarians must continue to follow all public health recommendations, be innovative in your care delivery by making use of telemedicine whenever possible and make smart choices in reducing services not essential to the scope of the work you do for the time being. When you do provide necessary treatment, be attentive to your infection control and biosecurity protocols to safeguard employees and clients.

The College has been consistent in its message that veterinarians are to use their judgment in reducing services that are not deemed necessary to support human and animal health at this time of public health emergency. What that looks like is dependent on your individual practice. As in human health care, it makes sense for veterinarians to maintain services that avoid negative patient outcomes. It is equally logical to avert situations that would have a direct negative impact on the safety or welfare of an animal or group of animals. Preventative health measures that have long term disease implications, (such as flea and tick control, heartworm prevention) can also potentially be maintained in many cases through mechanisms such as telemedicine. Veterinary services dedicated to food safety and disease response in livestock are critical.

The College continues to monitor this challenging and unprecedented situation.”

Although veterinary services have been deemed an essential workplace, unfortunately not all pet care businesses fall into that category. Therefore, it is essential that pet care professionals understand what benefits are now available to supplement the inevitable loss of income. The federal government has implemented relief measures outlined in the COVID-19 Economic Response Plan. Amongst the measures providing economic support to Canadians affected by the pandemic is the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB):

“The federal government will provide a taxable benefit of $2,000 a month for up to 4 months to:

  • workers who must stop working due to COVID19 and do not have access to paid leave or other income support.
  • workers who are sick, quarantined, or taking care of someone who is sick with COVID-19.
  • working parents who must stay home without pay to care for children that are sick or need additional care because of school and daycare closures.
  • workers who still have their employment but are not being paid because there is currently not sufficient work and their employer has asked them not to come to work.
  • wage earners and self-employed individuals, including contract workers, who would not otherwise be eligible for Employment Insurance.

The Canada Emergency Response Benefit will be accessible through a secure web portal starting in early April. Applicants will also be able to apply via an automated telephone line or via a toll-free number. This benefit replaces the previously announced Emergency Care Benefit and the Emergency Support Benefit.”

“We know that people are worried about their health, their jobs and their financial situations. Our government is doing whatever it takes to protect the health and safety of Canadians, and to support workers, families and businesses. The Canada Emergency Response Benefit would make sure that money gets in the hands of workers as quickly as possible to support them in their time of need, and would help businesses keep their employees during this difficult period. Canadians can rest assured that the government stands ready to take any and all necessary actions as we continue to confront these challenging times together,” Morneau stated in a press release.

As we are in the throes of this most unprecedented and challenging time, it may seem difficult to behold a light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. However, the COVID-19 crisis will dissipate, and we will prevail collectively. In the interim, stay safe, stay well, stay connected to family, friends, and neighbours, and remember to be kind.


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